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Literatur:Huang Z 2015
Zhihai Huang, Liya Fette (Ü.) 2015
Sukhavati kennenlernen: das Amitabha-Buddha Sutra. Oldenburg i.O.: Desina Verlag 2015. Literatur:Hubbard 1997
Jamie Hubbard, Paul Swanson 1997
[Hubbard, Jamie und Paul Swanson (1997). Pruning the Bodhi tree: The storm over critical Buddhism Pruning the Bodhi tree]: The storm over critical Buddhism. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawai'i Press 1997. Literatur:Hudson 1999
Mark J. Hudson 1999
The ruins of identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese islands. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 1999. Literatur:Hur 2007
Nam-lin Hur 2007
Death and social order in Tokugawa Japan : Buddhism, anti-Christianity, and the danka system. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Asia Center 2007. Literatur:Hur 2021
Nam-lin Hur 2021
„Anti-Christian temple certification (terauke) in early modern Japan.“ In: Stefan Köck, Brigitte Pickl-Kolaczia, Bernhard Scheid (Hg.), Religion, Power, and the Rise of Shinto in Early Modern Japan. London: Bloomsbury 2021, S. 19–30. (Druckfahnen Nov. 2020.) Literatur:Hyers 1989
Conrad Hyers 1989
„Humor in Zen: Comic midwifery.“ Philosophy East and West 39/3 (1989), S. 267-277. Literatur:Hynes 1993
William J. Hynes 1993
„Mapping the charakteristics of mythic tricksters: A heuristic guide.“ In: William J. Hynes und William G. Doty (Hg.), Mythical trickster figures. Contours, contexts and criticism. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press 1993, S. 33-45. Literatur:Hynes 1993a
William J. Hynes 1993
„Introducing the fascinating and perplexing trickster Figure.“ In: William J. Hynes und William G. Doty (Hg.), Mythical trickster figures. Contours, contexts and criticism. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press 1993, S. 1-12. Literatur:Hyungsub 2009
Moon Hyungsub 2009
„The Matsura pirate-warriors of northwestern Kyūshū in the Kamakura Age.“ In: Berger et al. (Hg.), Currents in medieval Japanese history: essays in honor of Jeffrey P. Mass. Los Angeles: Figueroa Press 2009, S. 363-399. Literatur:Hyōgo Jinjachō o.A.
Literatur:Ichida 2014
Ichida Masataka 市田雅崇 2014
„kindai jinja no kōshateki soshiki: keta kōsha-wo jirei toshite.“ 近代神社の講的組織―気多講社を事例として―. 宗教研究 87 (2014), S. 56f. (別冊.) Literatur:Ichiki 1993
Takeo Ichiki (Hg.) 1993
„Baikamujinzō chūshaku1.“ In: Ichiki Takeo (Hg.), Baikamujinzō chūshaku. Tōkyō: Yagi Shoten 1993. Literatur:Idema 2016
Wilt Idema, Stephen West 2016
„Zhong Kui at work: A complete translation of the immortal officials of happiness, wealth, and longevity gather in celebration by Zhu Youdun (1379–1439).“ Journal of Chinese Religions 44(1) (2016), S. 1-34. Literatur:Igawa 2010
Kenji Igawa 2010
„At the Crossroads: Limahon and Wakō in Sixteenth-Century Philippines.“ In: Robert J. Antony (Hg.), Elusive pirates, pervasive smugglers: Violence and clandestine trade in the Greater China Seas. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press 2010, S. 73-84. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Iida 1947
Sueharu Iida 1947
Sendai kuji hongi: Hyōchū kujiki kōhon. Tōkyō: Mizuho Shuppan 1947. Literatur:Iida 1986
Mizuho Iida (Hg.) 1986
Kogo shūi: fu chūshaku. (Shintō taikei, kotenhen 5 神道大系古典編五.) Tokyo: Shintō Taikei Hensankai 1986. (Pdf enthält nur den ersten Teil des Bandes: Einleitung, Originaltext mit Anm. und kleine Zusatzartikel.) Literatur:Iitama 2004
Kenji Iitama 2004
Hachimanshin towa nanika. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten 2004. Literatur:Iizuka 1991
Hironobu Iizuka 1991
„Ikkyu Sojun's view on the retribution for sin.“ Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol.40(1) (1991), S. 273-276. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Ilis 2013
Florina Ilis 2013
The Theme of "Spirit Possession": Murasaki Shikibu, Genji Monogatari, Zeami, Aoi-No-Ue and Yukio Mishima, Aoi.. Siebenbürgen: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Philologia 58/1 2013. Literatur:Imai 1998
Masaharu Imai 1998
Shinran to sono kazoku. Kyōto: Jishōsha Shuppan 自照社出版 1998. Literatur:Imaizumi 1970
Yoshinori Imaizumi 1970
„baku.“ In: Aiga Tetsuo (Hg.), Encyclopedia Japonica 14. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan 1970, S. 446. Literatur:Imaizumi T 1994
Tadaaki Imaizumi 1994
Korigaku nyūmon: Kitsune to tanuki wa naze hito o bakasu? Tōkyō: Kōdansha shuppan 1994. Literatur:Inagaki 1968
Inagaki Eizō 稲垣英三 1968
Jinja to reibyō. (Genshoku Nihon no bijutsu 16.) Tokyo: Shōgakukan 1968. Literatur:Inamura 1957
Kenpu Inamura 1957
Ryūkyūshotō ni okeru wakō shiseki no kenkyū. Tōkyō: Yoshikawa kōbunkan 1957. Literatur:Ingram 1973
Paul O. Ingram 1973
„The Zen critique of Pure Land Buddhism.“ Journal of the American Academy of Religion 41/2 (1973), S. 184-200. Literatur:Inobe 1956
Jūichirō Inobe 1956
„Jōdai jiin no tochi kankei: Hachiman shinkō no shakai-teki kiban.“ Kōchi daigaku gakujutsu kenkyū hōkoku 5/2 (1956). Literatur:Inoguchi 1959
Rikihei Inoguchi 1959
The divine wind. London: Hutchinson 1959. Literatur:Inoue 1998
Inoue Nobutaka 井上順孝 (Hg.) 1998
„Perspectives toward understanding the concept of kami.“ In: Inoue Nobutaka (Hg.), Kami. (Contemporary Papers on Japanese Religion, Bd. 4.) Tōkyō: Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University 1998, S. 1-19. (Ü. ins Englische von Norman Havens.) Literatur:Inoue 2003
Inoue Nobutaka, u.a. (Hg.) 2003
Shinto: A short history. New York: RoutledgeCurzon 2003. (Jap. Originalausgabe 1998; Ü. ins Englische von Mark Teeuwen und John Breen, Exzerpt.) Literatur:Inoue 2006
Tatsuo Inoue 2006
„The Hitachi fudoki and the Fujiwara.“ In: Joan R. Piggott (Hg.), Capital and countryside in Japan, 300-1180: Japanese historians interpreted in English. Ithaca, NY: East Asia Program, Cornell University 2006, S. 103-127. Literatur:Inoue 2009
Hajime Inoue (Hg.) 2009
Kyōgyōshinshō: Eine Sammlung von Passagen der offenbarenden Reinen-Land-Wahrheit zu ihrer Lehre, Übung und Verwirklichung. Saitama: H. Inoue, 4-21-3 Misugidai Hannou-shi 2009. Literatur:Irie 1997
Kōhei Irie 1997
„Tōshiya kyōgi no jisshi jiki ni kansuru ichi kōsatsu.“ Tsukuba Daigaku Taiiku Kagaku Kei Kiyō 筑波大学体育科学系紀要 20 (1997), S. 41-55. Literatur:Ise Jingu 2013
Literatur:Ishida 1964
Literatur:Ishihara 1964
Michihiro Ishihara 1964
Wakô. Tôkyô: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 1964. Literatur:Ishii 2010
Ishii Hiroaki T., Tohru Manabe, Keitaro Ito, Naoko Fujita, Ayumi Imanishi, Daisuke Hashimoto, Ayako Iwasaki 2010
„Integrating ecological and cultural values toward conservation and utilization of shrine/temple forests as urban green space in Japanese cities: Review.“ Landscape and Ecological Engineering Vol. 6 (2010), S. 307-315. Literatur:Ishizaki 2003
Ishizaki Atsuko 石崎敦子, Ueno Katsuyo 上野勝代 2003
„Kyōtōshi toshinbu yamabokochō ni okeru chōnai komyuniti ni kansuru kenkyū.“ Nihon kenchikugakkai Kinkishibu Kenkyūhōkokushū, Keikakukei 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集、計画系(Forschungsinstitut für Architektur Japan, Kinki-Region, Planungsdivision) 43 (2003), S. 673-676. Literatur:Isomae 1999
Jun'ichi Isomae 1999
„Myth in metamorphosis: Ancient and medieval versions of the yamatotakeru legend.“ Monumenta Nipponica 54/3 (1999), S. 361-385. Literatur:Isomae 2009
Isomae Jun'ichi 2009
Japanese mythology: Hermeneutics on scripture. London: Equinox 2009. (Ü. von Mukund Subramanian, Exzerpt.) Literatur:Itō 1894
Naozumi Itō 1894
Kanezawayama Hachiman-jinja-ki: kan. Kanazawa: Hokokai 1894. Literatur:Itō 1998
Mikiharu Itō 1998
„Evolution of the concept of kami.“ In: Inoue Nobutaka (Hg.), Kami. (Contemporary Papers on Japanese Religion, Bd. 4..) Tōkyō: Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University 1998, S. 20-41. (Ü. ins Englische von Norman Havens.) Literatur:Itō 2017
Itō Setsuko 伊藤節子 2017
„kindai-ni okeru Gion Matsuri Yamahoko Junkō no keizoku-ni kan suru kōsatsu: seisei kōsha-wo chuushin-ni.“ 近代における祇園祭山鉾巡行の継続に関する考察―清々講社を中心に―. The Tourism Studies Vol. 29/No.1 (2017), S. 29-41. Literatur:Iwasaka 1994
Iwasaka Michiko, Barre Toelken 1994
Ghosts and the Japanese: Cultural experience in Japanese death legends. Logan, Utah: Utah State Univ. Press 1994. Literatur:Iwasaki 2007
Iwasaki Ayako 岩崎絢子, Ishii Hiroaki 石井弘明 2007
„Removal of invasive Trachycarpus fortunei at Nishinomiya Shrine, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan: Cost effectiveness of active vegetation management in a shrine forest.“ 兵庫県, 西宮神社における侵入種シュロの伐倒除去:社叢林の積極的植生管理と費用対効果. Landscape Ecology and Management 12 (1) (2007), S. 35-43. (特集.) Literatur:Iwasaki 2020
Akiko Iwasaki, Nathan D. Grubaugh 2020
„Why does Japan have so few cases of COVID-19?“ EMBO Molecular Medicine 12 (2020), S. 1-3. Literatur:Iyanaga 2002
Nobumi Iyanaga 2002
Daikoku-ten hensō: Bukkyō shinwagaku 1. Tokyo: Hōzōkan 2002. Literatur:Iyer 1985
S. Venkitasubramonia Iyer 1985
The Varāha-purāṇa: Part one. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass 1985. Literatur:Izumoji 1996
Osamu Izumoji 1996
Nihon ryōiki. (Shin nihon koten bungaku taikei, Bd. 30 新日本古典文学大系 30.) Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 1996. Literatur:Izumoji 1997
Osamu Izumoji 1997
Shin nihon koten bungaku taikei, Bd. 31. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 1997. Literatur:J 2022
J 25.12.2022
„2023-nen no nishinomiya jinja no shōgatsu gyōji to tōka ebisu.“ 2023年の西宮神社の正月行事と十日えびす. Nishinomiya Style (25.12.2022). (Letzter Zugriff: 17.07.2023.) Literatur:Janhunen 1998
Juha Janhunen 1998
„Ethnicity and language in prehistoric Northeast Asia.“ In: Blench, R.M. und Spriggs, M. (Hg.), Archeology and Language II. London: Routledge 1998, S. 195-208. Literatur:Jannetta 1987
Ann Bowmann Jannetta 1987
Epidemics and mortality in early modern Japan. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1987. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Jansen 1989
Marius Jansen 1989
The Cambridge history of Japan, Vol. 5: The Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 1989. Literatur:Jansen 1992
Marius Jansen 1992
China in the Tokugawa World. Harvard University Press 1992. Literatur:Japan Local-Characters Association o.A.
Japan Local-Characters Association nihon go-tōchi kyarakutā kyōkai 日本ご当地キャラクター協会 o.A.
Fukumimi Fuku-chan. ふくみみ福ちゃん. o.A.. (Letzter Zugriff: 17.07.2023.) Literatur:Jesse 1997
Bernd Jesse 1997
Die Vorgeschichte der Götter von Kumano: Das Nara-ehon "Kumano no honji" aus der Sammlung Voretzsch im Besitz des Museums für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt am Main. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1997. Literatur:Jie 2011
Tong Jie 2011
„New research on the cause of the prevalence of great wako raids of Chia-Ching Era.“ Chinese Social History Review (2011). Literatur:Jing 1991
Anning Jing 1991
„The Yuan Buddhist mural of the Paradise of Bhaiṣajyaguru.“ Metropolitan Museum journal 26 (1991), S. 147-166. Literatur:Jingū Kōgō Ronbunshū Kankōkai 1972
Jingū kōgō. Ise: Kōgakukan Daigaku Shuppanbu [皇学館大学出版部] 1972.
Literatur:Jinja Honcho o. A.
Jinja Honcho o. A.
Jinja Honcho. Jinja Honcho o. A.. (Letzter Zugriff: 15.07.2023.) Literatur:Jinja Honchō 2018
Jinja Honchō 05.12.2018
kōshiki saito. 公式サイト. 05.12.2018. (Letzter Zugriff: 15.07.2023.) Literatur:Jinja to Shintō Kenkyūkairon 2003
Hachiman jinja: Rekishi to densetsu. Tōkyō: Bensei Verlag 2003.
Literatur:Jinja to shintō kenkyūkai 2003
Hachiman Jinja: Rekishi to Densetsu. Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan 2003.
Literatur:Jinsheng 2018
Zheng Jinsheng, Nalini Kirk, Paul D. Buell, Paul U. Unschuld 2018
Dictionary of the Ben Cao Gang Mu, volume 3: Persons and literary sources. Oakland, California: University of California Press 2018. Literatur:Johnson 1974
T. W. Johnson 1974
„Far eastern fox lore.“ Asian Folklore Studies 33/1 (1974), S. 35-68. Literatur:Johnson 2005
William J. Johnson 2005
Mahābhārata book three: The forest volume four. New York: New York University Press 2005. Literatur:Johnston 2014
William Johnston 2014
„The shifting epistemological foundations of cholera control in Japan (1822-1900).“ Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident Vol.37 (1) (2014), S. 171-196. Literatur:Johnston 2016
William Johnston 2016
„Buddhism contra cholera: How the Meiji state recruited religion against epidemic disease.“ Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Modern Japanese Empire (2016), S. 62-78. Literatur:Johnston 2019
William Johnston 2019
„Cholera and the environment in nineteenth-century Japan.“ Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, Volume 8, 05.2019 (2019), S. 105-138. Literatur:Joly 1967
Henri J. Joly 1967
Legend in Japanese art: A description of historical episodes, legendary characters, folklore, myths, religious symbolism illustrated in the arts of old Japan. Rutland, Vt. u.a.: Tuttle 1967. Literatur:Josephson 2012
Jason Ānanda Josephson 2012
The invention of religion in Japan. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press 2012. Literatur:Joskovich 2015
Erez Joskovich 2015
„The inexhaustible lamp of faith: Faith and awakening in the Japanese Rinzai tradition.“ Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 42/2 (2015), S. 319-338. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Joskovich 2015a
Erez Joskovich 2015a
The Inexhaustible Lamp of Faith: Faith and Awakening in the Japanese Rinzai Tradition. Nanzan: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 2015a. Literatur:Jurdis 1991
Elisonas Jurdis 1991
„Christianity and daimyo.“ In: John Whitney Hall (Hg.), The Cambridge History of Japan No. 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1991, S. 335-343. Literatur:Kadoya/Yumiyama 2001
Kadoya Atsushi, Yumiyama Tatsuya 2001
„Ō-kuni-nushi no kami.“ In: Norman Havens und Inoue Nobutaka (Hg.), An encyclopedia of Shinto, Bd. 1 (kami). Tokyo: Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University 2001, S. 52f. Literatur:Kageyama 1973
Kageyama Haruki 1973
The arts of Shinto. New York: Weatherhill 1973. (Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Christine Guth, Inst.bib.: 2420 ARTS/4.) Literatur:Kageyama 2000
Kageyama Haruki 景山春樹 2000
Shintō bijutsu: Sono shosō to tenkai. Tokyo: Yuzankaku 2000. (Neudruck; erste Auflage 1973.) Literatur:Kajihara 1991
Masaaki Kajihara, Yamashita Hiroaki 山下宏明 1991
Heike monogatari jō. (Shin nihon koten bungaku taikei, Bd. 44 新日本古典文学大系 44.) Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店 1991. Literatur:Kamens 1988
Edward Kamens 1988
The three jewels: A study and translation of Minamoto Tamenori's Sanbōe. Ann Arbor: Center for Jap. Studies, Univ. Michigan 1988. Literatur:Kaminishi 2006
Kaminishi Ikumi 2006
Explaining pictures: Buddhist propaganda and etoki storytelling in Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2006. Literatur:Kamiya 1998
Takehiro Kamiya 1998
„Fukujin to yakujin.“ In: Miyata Noboru (Hg.), Shichifukujin shinkō jiten. Tokyo: Ebisu Kōshō Shuppan 1998, S. 372–382. (Erschienen 1979. S.a. Exzerpt.) Literatur:Kan 1978
Eishi Kan 1978
Nihon jinbutsu jiten. Tōkyō: Rekishi Hyakka 1978. Literatur:Kanda 1981
Christine Guth Kanda 1981
„Kaikei's statue of Hachiman in Tōdaiji.“ Artibus Asiae 43/3 (1981), S. 190–208. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Kanda 1985
Christine Guth Kanda 1985
Shinzō: Hachiman imagery and its development. Cambridge, Massachussets u.a.: Harvard University Press 1985. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Kaneko 1990
Satoru Kaneko 1990
„Dimensions of religiosity among believers in Japanese folk religion.“ Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 29/1 (1990), S. 1-18. Literatur:Kaner 2011
Simon Kaner 2011
„A Re-examination of the Okinoshima ritual site from the viewpoint of ritual archaeology.“ In: World Heritage Promotion Committee of “Okinoshima Island and Related Sites in the Munakata Region” (Hg.), Okinoshima Island and Related Sites in the Munakata Region. Study Report 1. 2011. Literatur:Kang 2007
David C. Kang 2007
„Stability and hierarchy in East Asian international relations, 1300–1900 CE.“ In: Stuart J. Kaufman (Hg.), Balance of power in world history. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2007, S. 199-227. Literatur:Kang 2008
David C. Kang 2008
War and peace in early modern East Asia: Hierarchy and legitimacy in international systems. Hanover: Dartmouth College 2008. Literatur:Kang E 1997
Etsuko Hae-Jin Kang 1997
Diplomacy and ideology in Japanese-Korean relations. Basingstoke: Macmillan 1997. Literatur:Kanno 2010
Hiroshi Kanno 2010
Hokekyō nyūmon. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten 2010. Literatur:Kaplan 1998
David E. Kaplan, Andrew Marshall 1998
Aum: eine Sekte greift nach der Welt. Berlin: Ullstein 1998. (Englisches Originalwerk 1996.) Literatur:Kaputu 2010
Felix Ulombe Kaputu 2010
„Global shamanism in context: Itako (from Osorezan, Aomori, Japan) and Mikishi (Lake Mweru, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo).“ International Christian University Publications 3-A, Asian Cultural Studies 36 (2010), S. 151-200. Literatur:Karatani 1995
Karatani Kōjin 1995
„Nationalism and Ecriture.“ Surfaces 5/201 (1995), S. 4-25. Literatur:Kasahara 1973
Kazuo Kasahara 1973
Nihon josei–shi. Teikō ni mezameru onna. (Nihon josei–shi 5.) Tōkyō: Hyōronsha 1973. Literatur:Kasahara 2001
Kazuo Kasahara 2001
A history of Japanese religion. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing 2001. (Ü. Paul McCarthy und Gaynor Sekimori.) Literatur:Kasulis 2004
Thomas Kasulis 2004
Shinto: The way home. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2004. Literatur:Kasulis 2011
Thomas Kasulis 2011
„Dōgen.“ In: Heisig, James, Thomas Kasulis und John Maraldo (Hg.), Japanese Philosophy. A Sourcebook. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2011. Literatur:Katō G 1926
Genchi Katō, Hoshino Hikoshiro (Ü.) 1926
Kogoshūi: Gleanings from ancient stories. Tokyo: Meiji Japan Society 1926. (Exzerpt, JHTI Version, Onlineversion.) Literatur:Katō G 1935
Genchi Katō 1935
What is Shintō ? Tōkyō: Board of Tourist Industry u.a. 1935. Literatur:Katō G 1973
Genchi Katō 1973
A historical study of the religious development of Shintō. Tōkyō: Ministry of Education 1973. (Ü. ins Englische von Hanayama Shōyū.) Literatur:Katō G 2011
Katō Genchi (Hg.) 2011
A study of Shinto: The religion of the Japanese nation. Oxon: Routledge 2011. (1. Aufl. 1926.) Literatur:Katō H 1981
Hidetoshi Katō 1981
„The significance of the period of national seclusion reconsidered.“ Journal of Japanese Studies 7/1 (1981), S. 85-109. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Katō S 2009
Katō Shigetaka 加藤茂孝 2009
‚Etai no shirenai mono e no obie‘ kara ‚shirete anshin‘ e: Dai ikkai ‚hito wa etai no shirenai mono ni obieru‘. 2009. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Katō Takah 1997
Takahisa Katō (Hg.) 1997
Shinsōsai daijiten. Tokyo: Ebisu Kōshō 1997. Literatur:Katō Takas 2010
Takashi Katō 2010
„Edo shimin to Kaisai Kanamachi-mura no Handa Inari.“ Kokuritsu rekishiminzoku hakubutsukan kenkyū hōkoku 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 155 (2010), S. 59–85. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Kawabata 2020
Kawabata Saori 川畑さおり 01.08.2020
„nishinomiya jinja ni maguro hōnō 「ebessan」no sōhonsha.“ 西宮神社にマグロ奉納 「えべっさん」の総本社. Mainichi Shimbun (01.08.2020). (Letzter Zugriff: 17.07.2023.) Literatur:Kawahara 1994
M. Eihō Kawahara, C. Yūhō Jobst (Hg.) 1994
Kūkai: Ausgewählte Schriften. München: Iudicium-Verlag 1994. Literatur:Kawai H 1995
Hayao Kawai 1995
Dreams, myths and fairy tales in Japan. Einsiedeln: Daimon 1995. Literatur:Kawai M 2004
Masatomo Kawai 2004
„Hakuin to zenga: Muromachi-jidai no zensō ga egaku suiboku to no hikaku ni oite(geijutsu no rokeeshon).“ Booklet 12 (2004), S. 7-16. (Exzerpt 慶應義塾大学.) Literatur:Kawano 2005
Satsuki Kawano 2005
Ritual practice in modern Japan: Ordering place, people, and action. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2005. Literatur:Kawasaki 1975
Tsuneyuki Kawasaki 1975
Kûkai. Tôkyô: Iwanami Shoten 1975. Literatur:Kawashima 2012
Ikuo Kawashima 2012
„Chūgoku rekishi koten geki kokō: Koshi geki 'chō bunka Mitsugu tsuma' o megutte.“ Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku ronshū 84 (2012), S. 101–125. Literatur:Kawazoe N 1962
Kawazoe Noboru 川添登 1962
„The Ise shrine.“ Japan Quarterly IX/3 (1962), S. 285-292. Literatur:Kawazoe S 1990
Shōji Kawazoe 1990
„Japan and East Asia.“ In: Kozo Yamamura (Hg.), The Cambridge History of Japan, Vol. 3. Cambridge, et al.: Cambridge University Press 1990, S. 396-446. (Exzerpt Ü.: G. Cameron Hurst III.) Literatur:Keene 1966
Donald Keene 1966
„The Portrait of Ikkyū.“ Archives of Asian Art 20 (1966), S. 54-65. Literatur:Keene 2001
Donald Keene, Hg. von Louise Virgin 2001
Japan at the dawn of the modern age. Boston: MFA Publ. 2001. Literatur:Keene 2002
Donald Keene 2002
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and his world, 1852-1912. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 2002. Literatur:Kelley 2006
Jane E. Kelley 2006
„Analyzing ideology in a japanese fairy tale.“ The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature 10/2 (2006). Literatur:Kelsey 1981
W. Michael Kelsey 1981
„The raging deity in Japanese mythology.“ Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (1981), S. 213-236. Literatur:Kenney 2000
Elisabeth Kenney 2000
„Shinto funerals in the Edo period.“ Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27/3-4 (2000), S. 239-271. Literatur:Kenney 2000b
Elisabeth Kenney, Edmund T. Gilday 2000
„Mortuary rites in Japan. Editors' introduction..“ Japanese Journal of Religios Studies. 27/3-4 (2000), S. 163-178. Literatur:Keown 2003
Damien Keown 2003
Lexikon des Buddhismus. Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 2003. Literatur:Keown 2005
Damien Keown 2005
Der Buddhismus: Eine kurze Einführung. Stuttgart: Reclam 2005. Literatur:Kern 1903
Hendrik Kern 1903
Histoire du bouddhisme dans l'Inde : 2. Paris: Leroux 1903. Literatur:Kerényi 1956
Karl Kerényi 1956
Der göttliche Arzt: Studien über Asklepios und seine Kultstätten. Darmstadt: H. Gentner 1956. Literatur:Ketelaar 1993
James Ketelaar 1993
Of heretics and martyrs: Buddhism and tits persecution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP 1993. Literatur:Khosrawipour 2020
Veria Khosrawipour, Jacek Bania, Hirohito Ichii, Tanja Khosrawipour, Piotr Kocbach, Hien Lau, Agata Mikolajczyk 2020
„Failure in initial stage containment of global COVID‐19 epicenters.“ Medical Virology 92/7 (2020), S. 863-867. Literatur:Kidder 1964
Jonathan Edward Kidder 1964
Japan: Frühe Kunst. München: Hirmer 1964. Literatur:Kidder 2007
Jonathan Edward Kidder 2007
Himiko and Japan's elusive chiefdom of Yamatai: Archaeology, history, and mythology. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2007. Literatur:Kieschnick 1997
John Kieschnick 1997
The eminent monk: Buddhist ideals in medieval Chinese hagiography. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 1997. (UB-link: Literatur:Kikuchi 1997
Ichiro Kikuchi 1997
„Hansen's disease in Japan: A brief history.“ International journal of dermatology, 1997, Vol.36 (8) (1997), S. 629-633. (Exzerpt.) Literatur:Kiley 1977
Cornelius Kiley 1977
„Uji and kabane in ancient Japan.“ Monumenta Nipponica 32/3 (1977), S. 365-376. Literatur:Kim 2004
Hee-Jin Kim 2004
Eihei Dōgen. Mystical realist. New York: SUNY Press 2004. Literatur:Kiminori 1986
Baba Kiminori, Toshio Taoka 田岡俊男 1986
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Keiko Kimura 2012
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Susanne Knödel 2000
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Gari Ledyard 1975
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Kenneth Doo Young Lee 2007
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Claude Lévi-Strauss 2012
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Bruno Lewin 1965
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Bruno Lewin 1965-1966
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Ioan Myrddin Lewis 1971
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Dardo Leßmann 1999
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Michelle Elene Osterfeld Li 2009
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Robert Jay Lifton 1999
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Robert Jay Lifton 2005
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Elizabeth Lillehoj 1995
„Man-made objects as demons in Japanese scrolls.“ Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 54 (1) (1995), S. 7-34. Literatur:Lim 2010
Ivy Maria Lim 2010
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John Lindow 2005
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Sepp Linhart 1983
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Rob Linrothe 1999
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Kathlyn Liscomb 2016
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Stephen Little 1985
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Scott C. Littleton 1981
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Scott C. Littleton 1995
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Scott C. Littleton 2005
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Ernst Lokowandt 1976
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Ernst Lokowandt 2001
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Benedetta Lomi 2014
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Andreas Lommel (Hg.) 1974
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Anne-Marie Loth 2003
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David Lurie 2011
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Ulrich Luz, Axel Michaels 2002
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Helen C. MacCullough 1980
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Giovanni Maciocia 2015
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Nelly Naumann 1994
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Nelly Naumann 2000
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John Nelson 1996
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Ng Wai-ming 2020
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William H. Nienhauser (Hg.) 1986
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日本歴史大辞典編集部 Nihon Rekishi Daijiten Henshūbu ab 1958
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Masahiro Nishimoto 2019
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Nishinomiya Jinja Kaikan 西宮神社会館 o.A.
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Nishinomiya Schrein Nishinomiya Jinja 西宮神社 o.A.
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Nishinomiya Schrein Nishinomiya Jinja 西宮神社 o.A.
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Nishinomiya Schrein Nishinomiya Jinja 西宮神社 o.A.
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Nishinomiya Schrein Nishinomiya Jinja 西宮神社 o.A.
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Nishinomiya Shrine 2023
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Franz Kiichi Numazawa 1946
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Clark Offner, Henry Van Straelen 1963
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Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney 1984
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Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney 1991
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Yejitsu Okusa 1919
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Herman Ooms 2009
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Ōtō Tokihiko 大藤時彦 1963
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Tokihiko Ōtō 1969
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Cornelius Ouwehand 1958
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Cornelius Ouwehand 1964
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Shōbun Oyama 2000
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Elizabeth Oyler 2006
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Elizabeth Oyler 2008
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Yei Theodora Ozaki 1903
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Yei Theodora Ozaki 2014
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Robert Treat Paine, Alexander Soper 1955
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Robert T. Paine, Alexander Soper, D. B. Waterhouse 1974
The art and architecture of Japan. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1974. (Siehe auch Paine 1955.) Literatur:Palmer E 1991
Edwina Palmer 1991
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