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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Literatur:Reider 2010 + (''[[Literatur:Reider_2010|Japanese Demon Lore]]: Oni from Ancient Times to the Present'')
- Literatur:Rhie 1996 + (''[[Literatur:Rhie_1996|The Sacred Art of Tibet]]: Wisdom and Compassion'')
- Literatur:Richie Georges 1995 + (''[[Literatur:Richie Georges 1995|The Temples of Kyoto]]'')
- Literatur:Rosenfield 2011 + (''[[Literatur:Rosenfield_2011|Portraits of Chōgen]]: The Transformation of Buddhist Art in Early Medieval Japan'')
- Literatur:Saunders 1985 + (''[[Literatur:Saunders_1985|Mudrā]]: A Study of Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture'')
- Literatur:Schalk 2001 + (''[[Literatur:Schalk_2001|Zwischen Säkularismus und Hierokratie]]: Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Süd- und Ostasien'')
- Literatur:Schmidt 1980 + (''[[Literatur:Schmidt_1980|Sommermeteor]]'')
- Literatur:Seyock 2004 + (''[[Literatur:Seyock_2004|Auf den Spuren der Ostbarbaren]]: Zur Archäologie protohistorischer Kulturen in Südkorea und Westjapan'')
- Literatur:Shimazu 2006 + (''[[Literatur:Shimazu_2006|Nationalisms in Japan]]'')
- Literatur:Smith 1974 + (''[[Literatur:Smith_1974|Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Japan]]'')
- Literatur:Smyers 1999 + (''[[Literatur:Smyers_1999|The Fox and the Jewel]]: Shared and Private Meanings in Contemporary Inari Worship'')
- Literatur:Staemmler 2009 + (''[[Literatur:Staemmler_2009|Chinkon kishin]]: Mediated Spirit Possession in Japanese New Religions'')
- Literatur:Stone 1999 + (''[[Literatur:Stone_1999|Original Enlightenment and the Transformations of Medieval Japanese Buddhism]]'')
- Literatur:Ströhl 1906 + (''[[Literatur:Ströhl_1906|Japanisches Wappenbuch ''Nihon moncho'']]: Ein Handbuch für Kunstgewerbetreibende und Sammler'')
- Literatur:Suzuki 1957 + (''[[Literatur:Suzuki_1957|Zen und die Kultur Japans]]'')
- Literatur:Swale 2009 + (''[[Literatur:Swale 2009|The Meiji Restoration ]]: Monarchism, Mass Communication and Conservative Revolution'')
- Literatur:Swanson Chilson 2005 + (''[[Literatur:Swanson Chilson 2005|Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions]]'')
- Literatur:Takasaki 1985 + (''[[Literatur:Takasaki_1985|Rakanzu <i>羅漢図 [„Arhat-Bilder“]</i>]]'')
- Literatur:Tanabe Tanabe 1989 + (''[[Literatur:Tanabe Tanabe 1989|The Lotus Sutra in Japanese Culture]]'')
- Literatur:Tanabe 1999 + (''[[Literatur:Tanabe_1999|Religions of Japan in Practice]]'')
- Literatur:Teeuwen Scheid 2002 + (''[[Literatur:Teeuwen Scheid 2002|Tracing Shinto in the History of Kami Worship]]'')
- Literatur:Teeuwen 1996 + (''[[Literatur:Teeuwen_1996|Watarai Shinto]]: An Intellectual History of the Outer Shrine in Ise'')
- Literatur:Teeuwen Rambelli 2003 + (''[[Literatur:Teeuwen_2003|Buddhas and Kami in Japan]]: Honji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm'')
- Literatur:Teiser 2003 + (''[[Literatur:Teiser_2003|The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism]]'')
- Literatur:Thal 2005 + (''[[Literatur:Thal_2005|Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods]]: The Politics of a Pilgrimage Site in Japan, 1573–1912'')
- Literatur:Totman 2000 + (''[[Literatur:Totman_2000|A History of Japan]]'')
- Literatur:Tronu 2012 + (''[[Literatur:Tronu 2012|Sacred Space and Ritual in Early Modern Japan ]]: The Christian Community of Nagasaki (1569–1643)'')
- Literatur:Tyler 1987 + (''[[Literatur:Tyler_1987|Japanese Tales]]'')
- Literatur:Tyler 1990 + (''[[Literatur:Tyler_1990|The Miracles of the Kasuga Deity]]'')
- Literatur:Tyler 1992 + (''[[Literatur:Tyler_1992|The Cult of Kasuga Seen Through Its Art]]'')
- Literatur:Umihara 1999 + (''[[Literatur:Umihara_1999|Yoshida Shōin and Shōka Sonjuku]]: The True Spirit of Education'')
- Literatur:Visser 1913 + (''[[Literatur:Visser 1913|The Dragon in China and Japan ]]'')
- Literatur:Wachutka 2013 + (''[[Literatur:Wachutka_2013|Kokugaku in Meiji-period Japan]]: The Modern Transformation of ‘National Learning’ and the Formation of Scholarly Societies'')
- Literatur:Watson 1993 + (''[[Literatur:Watson_1993|The Lotus Sutra]]'')
- Literatur:Wilhelm 1995 + (''[[Literatur:Wilhelm_1995|I Ging]]: Das Buch der Wandlungen'')
- Literatur:Wu 2015 + (''[[Literatur:Wu 2015|Leaving for the Rising Sun ]]: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan and the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia'')
- Literatur:Yamada 2009 + (''[[Literatur:Yamada_2009|Shots in the Dark]]: Japan, Zen, and the West'')
- Literatur:Yamakage 2007 + (''[[Literatur:Yamakage_2007|Essence of Shinto]]: Japans Spiritual Heart'')
- Literatur:Yamamoto 1998 + (''[[Literatur:Yamamoto_1998|Ishin]]: Chūsei Nihon no mikkyōteki sekai [Seltsame Götter: Die esoterische Welt des japanischen Mittelalters]'')
- Literatur:Yiengpruksawan 1998 + (''[[Literatur:Yiengpruksawan_1998|Hiraizumi]]: Buddhist Art and Regional Politics in Twelfth-Century Japan'')
- Literatur:Yü 2001 + (''[[Literatur:Yü_2001|Kuan-yin]]: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara'')
- Literatur:Nakai 1984 + (''[[Literatur:nakai 1984|Tokugawa Confucian Historiography]]: The Hayashi, Early Mito School, and Arai Hakuseki'')
- Literatur:Schweizer 2016 + (''Ôsaki Hachiman: Architecture, Materiality, and Samurai Power in Seventeenth-Century Japan'')
- Literatur:McCullough 1980 + (''Ōkagami. The Great Mirror: Fujiwara Michinaga (966–1027) and his times'')
- Literatur:Trenson 2018 + („A Study on the Combination of the Deities Fudō and Aizen in Medieval Shingon Esoteric Buddhism“)
- Literatur:McCullough 1964 + („A Tale of Mutsu“)
- Literatur:Tamura 2012 + („Adjusting Calculations to Ideals in the Chinese and Japanese Calendars“)
- Literatur:Ucerler 2003 + („Alessandro Valignano: man, missionary, and writer“)
- Literatur:Hur 2021 + („Anti-Christian Temple Certification (''terauke'') in Early Modern Japan: Establishment, Practice, and Challenges“)
- Literatur:Trenson 2022 + („Buddhism and Martial Arts in Premodern Japan: New Observations from a Religious Historical Perspective“)
- Literatur:Best 2002 + („Buddhism and Polity in Early Sixth-Century Paekche“)
- Literatur:Ruppert 2002 + („Buddhist Rainmaking in Early Japan: The Dragon King and the Ritual Careers of Esoteric Monks“)
- Literatur:Hartland 1902 + („Burial Customs in Japan“)
- Literatur:LeFebvre 2015 + („Christian Wedding Ceremonies: ‘Nonreligiousness’ in Contemporary Japan“)
- Literatur:Nakai 2013 + („Coming to Terms with ‘Reverence at Shrines’: The 1932 Sophia University–Yasukuni Shrine Incident“)
- Literatur:Maeda 2001 + („Court Ranks for Village Shrines: The Yoshida House's Interactions with Local Shrines during the Mid-Tokugawa Period“)
- Literatur:Hori 2016 + („D. T. Suzuki and the Invention of Tradition“)
- Literatur:Naumann 1959 + („Das Pferd in Sage und Brauchtum Japans“)
- Literatur:Vollmer 1993 + („Der Kleriker als ''tengu'': Notizen zu einem Motiv in der mittelalterlichen japanischen Literatur“)
- Literatur:Vierthaler 2017 + („Der Yasukuni-Schrein als Huldigungsstätte des Militarismus: Ein kurzer Abriss der Nachkriegszeit aus innen- und außenpolitischer Sicht“)
- Literatur:Rotermund 1965 + („Die Legende des Enno-Gyōja“)
- Literatur:Miyata 1973 + („Edo chōnin no shinkō“ 江戸町人の信仰)
- Literatur:Tamamuro 2003 + („Edo-jidai no mura chinju no jittai: Mito-hanryō mura chinju no sūryōteki kentō 江戸時代の村鎮守の実態–水戸藩領村鎮守の数量的検討“)
- Literatur:Steinkellner 2009 + („Erkenntnistheorie im Buddhismus: Zur Erkenntnis des Denkens von anderen“)
- Literatur:Groemer 2007 + („Female Shamans in Eastern Japan during the Edo Period“)
- Literatur:McFarland 1986 + („Feminine Motifs in Bodhidharma Symbology in Japan“)
- Literatur:Suzuki 2018 + („Ganzan Daishi engi emaki kara miru ryōdaishi shinkō: Kinsei Tendai kōsō eden no seiritsu to Tenkai no ikō 《元三大師縁起絵巻》からみるポリティクスと両大師信仰: 近世天台高僧絵伝の成立と天海の意向“)
- Literatur:Ellwood 1968 + („Harvest and Renewal at the Grand Shrine of Ise“)
- Literatur:Guth 2008 + („Hasegawa's Fairy Tales: Toying with Japan“)
- Literatur:LaFleur 1989 + („Hungry Ghosts and Hungry People: Somaticity and Rationality in Medieval Japan“)
- Literatur:Radich 2014 + („Ideas about “Consciousness” in Fifth and Sixth Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *''Amalavijñāna''“)
- Literatur:Pearce 2003 + („Images of Guanxiu's Sixteen Luohan in eighteenth-century China“)
- Literatur:Yasui 2020 + („Imagining the Spirits of Deceased Pregnant Women: An Analysis of Illustrations of Ubume in Early Modern Japan“)
- Literatur:Mace 2012 + („Immolations in Japan“)
- Literatur:Scheid 2013b + („In Search of Lost Essence: Nationalist Projections in German Shinto Studies“)
- Literatur:Antoni 1990 + („Inoue Tetsujirô (1855–1944) und die Entwicklung der Staatsideologie in der zweiten Hälfte der Meiji-Zeit“)
- Literatur:Scheid 2013 + („Introduction: Shinto Studies and the Nonreligious-Shrine Doctrine“)
- Literatur:Scheid 2021 + („Introduction: Tokugawa Religious Orthopraxy and the Phenomenon of Domain Shinto“)
- Literatur:Grapard 1984 + („Japan's Ignored Cultural Revolution: The Separation of Shinto and Buddhist Divinities in Meiji (''Shimbutsu Bunri'') and a Case Study: Tōnomine“)
- Literatur:Kozic 2021 + („Japans gelebte Religiosität am Beispiel der Popularisierung apotropäischer Gottheiten und Figuren in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie“)
- Literatur:Inoue 2014 + („Japan’s Ritsuryō System and Shintō Shrines Arose as Twins“)
- Literatur:Jolliffe Bianchi 2022 + („Jesuit translation practices in sixteenth-century Japan: ''Sanctos no gosagueo no uchi nuqigaqi'' and Luis de Granada“)
- Literatur:Elisonas 2007 + („Journey to the West“)
- Literatur:Scheid 2016 + („Kontinuierliche Brüche: Artikulationen des Unheimlichen in der japanischen Kulturgeschichte“)
- Literatur:Azegami 2012 + („Local Shrines and the Creation of ‘State Shinto’“)
- Literatur:Kenney 2000 + („Mortuary Rites in Japan“)
- Literatur:Benn 2012 + („Multiple Meanings of Buddhist Self-Immolation in China: A Historical Perspective“)
- Literatur:Bodiford 2013 + („Myth and Counter Myth in Early Modern Japan“)
- Literatur:Conlan 2013 + („Myth, Memory, and the Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan“)
- Literatur:Hayashi 2013 + („Nationalism and the Humanities in Modern Japan: Religious, Buddhist, Shinto, and Oriental Studies“)
- Literatur:Walthall 2000 + („Nativism as a Social Movement: Katagiri Harukazu and the ''Hongaku reisha''“)
- Literatur:Ooms 1984 + („Neo-Confucianism and the Formation of Early Tokugawa Ideology: Contours of a Problem“)
- Literatur:Heesterman 1984 + („Non-violence and sacrifice“)
- Literatur:Walthall 1995 + („Off with Their Heads!: The Hirata Disciples and the Ashikaga Shoguns“)
- Literatur:Vovin 2018 + („On the etymology of the name of Mt. Fuji“)
- Literatur:Antoni 2016 + („Political Mythology and the Legitimation of Imperial Power in Modern Japan: The Case of the ‘Jinmu-tennō’ Myth“)
- Literatur:Faure 2015 + („Prologue“)
- Literatur:Kimbrough 2005 + („Reading the Miraculous Powers of Japanese Poetry: Spells, Truth Acts, and a Medieval Buddhist Poetics of the Supernatural“)
- Literatur:Isomae 2013 + („Religion, Secularity, and the Articulation of the ‘Indigenous’ in Modernizing Japan“)
- Literatur:Yoshida 2003 + („Revisioning Religion in Ancient Japan“)
- Literatur:Piggott 1989 + („Sacral kingship and confederacy in early Izumo“)