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„Erkenntnistheorie im Buddhismus“ +
„The Founding of the Monastery Gangōji and a List of Its Terasures“ +
''[[Literatur:Stone_1999|Original Enlightenment and the Transformations of Medieval Japanese Buddhism]]'' +
''Chinese Magical Medicine'' +
''[[Literatur:Ströhl_1906|Japanisches Wappenbuch ''Nihon moncho'']]'' +
''[[Literatur:Suzuki_1957|Zen und die Kultur Japans]]'' +
''Essays in Zen Buddhism'' +
''[[Literatur:Swale 2009|The Meiji Restoration ]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Swanson Chilson 2005|Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions]]'' +
„[[Literatur:Takahashi_2006|The national politics of the Yasukuni Shrine]]“ +
''[[Literatur:Takasaki_1985|Rakanzu <i>羅漢図 [„Arhat-Bilder“]</i>]]'' +
„Adjusting Calculations to Ideals in the Chinese and Japanese Calendars“ +
''[[Literatur:Tanabe_1999|Religions of Japan in Practice]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Tanabe Tanabe 1989|The Lotus Sutra in Japanese Culture]]'' +
''Ise'' +
''[[Literatur:Teeuwen_1996|Watarai Shinto]]'' +
„The creation of a ''honji suijaku'' deity“ +
''[[Literatur:Teeuwen_2003|Buddhas and Kami in Japan]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Teeuwen Scheid 2002|Tracing Shinto in the History of Kami Worship]]'' +