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„Synkretismus als Methode“ +
„‚Sie stach sich in den Schoß und verstarb‘“ +
„[[Literatur:Scheid 2019|Arhats in East Asian Buddhism ]]“ +
„Introduction: Tokugawa Religious Orthopraxy and the Phenomenon of Domain Shinto“ +
„[[Literatur:Scheid 2021b|Mythology and Genealogy in the Canonical Sources of Japanese History ]]“ +
''The culture of secrecy in Japanese religion'' +
''[[Literatur:Schmidt_1980|Sommermeteor]]'' +
''Maitrī and Magic'' +
''Ôsaki Hachiman'' +
''Exotica'' +
''[[Literatur:Seyock_2004|Auf den Spuren der Ostbarbaren]]'' +
„[[Literatur:Sharf_1995|Whose Zen?]]“ +
''Ekibyō taisan'' +
''Kokka shintō to Nihonjin'' +
''[[Literatur:Shimazu_2006|Nationalisms in Japan]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Smith_1974|Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Japan]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Smyers_1999|The Fox and the Jewel]]'' +
„The Intent of the Charter Oath“ +
''[[Literatur:Staemmler_2009|Chinkon kishin]]'' +
''Establishing the Revolutionary'' +