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''[[Literatur:Ouwehand_1964|Namazu-e and Their Themes]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Pauly_1985|Ikkō-Ikki-Aufstände und ihre Entwicklung aus den Aufständen der bündischen Bauern und Provizialen des japanischen Mittelalters]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Pauly_2003|Kannon]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Payne_1998|Re-Visioning „Kamakura“ Buddhism]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Philippi_1977|Kojiki]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Philippi_1990|Norito]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Picken_1994|Essentials of Shinto]]'' +
''The Emergence of Japanese Kingship'' +
''[[Literatur:Prohl_2000|"Die spirituellen Intellektuellen" und das New Age in Japan]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Prohl_2012|Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religion]]'' +
„Ideas about “Consciousness” in Fifth and Sixth Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *''Amalavijñāna''“ +
''Simple Guide to Shinto, Religion of Japan'' +
''[[Literatur:Reader_2000|Religious Violence in Contemporary Japan]]'' +