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„Religion, Secularity, and the Articulation of the ‘Indigenous’ in Modernizing Japan“ +
''[[Literatur:Iyanaga_2002|Daikoku-ten hensō]]'' +
''The Cambridge History of Japan, Vol. 5'' +
''The Making of Modern Japan'' +
„Jesuit translation practices in sixteenth-century Japan“ +
''[[Literatur:Joo_2006|The Arhat Cult in China from the Seventh through Thirteenth Centuries]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Karow Seckel 1942|Der Ursprung des Torii]]'' +
„Tōdaiji daibutsu no daiza chūzō jiki“ +
„[[Literatur:Keenan_1999|En the Ascetic]]“ +
''Denkt Asien anders?'' +
''[[Literatur:Ketelaar_1990|Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Kidder_2007|Himiko and Japan’s elusive chiefdom of Yamatai]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Kikuchi_2011|Sōgi to Nihonjin]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Kitagawa_1966|Religion in Japanese History]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Kleine_1996|Hōnens Buddhismus des Reinen Landes]]'' +
''[[Literatur:Kleine_2011|Der Buddhismus in Japan]]'' +
„Shinto und Christentum“ +
„[[Literatur:Knecht_1997|The ritual of ''kuchiyose'' (calling the dead) ]]“ +
''[[Literatur:Koeck, Pickl, Scheid 2021|Religion, Power, and the Rise of Shinto in Early Modern Japan ]]'' +
''Japanese Tales from Times Past'' +