MediaWiki:Common.js: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
   var sysopRights = true;  
   var sysopRights = true;  
      Add Buttons to edit-Toolbar
  * Extra buttons in toolbar
  * Extra buttons in toolbar
Zeile 24: Zeile 28:
sampleText: 'Glossar'
sampleText: 'Glossar'
// Glossar Link
// Glossar Link
Zeile 36: Zeile 39:
sampleText: 'Glossar'
sampleText: 'Glossar'
// Sanskrit
// Sanskrit
Zeile 48: Zeile 50:
sampleText: 'Sanskrit'
sampleText: 'Sanskrit'
// Sanskrit Link
// Sanskrit Link
Zeile 61: Zeile 62:
       Change redirected address line  
       Change redirected address line  

Version vom 6. Juli 2015, 14:37 Uhr

for (i in wgUserGroups)
 if (wgUserGroups[i] == 'sysop')
  var sysopRights = true; 

       Add Buttons to edit-Toolbar
 * Extra buttons in toolbar
 * @stats [[File:Krinkle_InsertWikiEditorButton.js]]

	url: '',
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	cache: true
}).done(function () {

	// Glossar Eintrag
section: 'advanced',
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-glossar",
		icon: "//",
		label: 'Glossar einfügen',
		insertBefore: '{{g|',
		insertAfter: '}}',
		sampleText: 'Glossar'

	// Glossar Link
section: 'advanced',
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-glossarlink",
		icon: "//",
		label: 'Glossar Link einfügen',
		insertBefore: '{{gb|',
		insertAfter: '}}',
		sampleText: 'Glossar'

	// Sanskrit
section: 'advanced',
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-sanskrit",
		icon: "//",
		label: 'Glossar einfügen',
		insertBefore: '{{s|',
		insertAfter: '}}',
		sampleText: 'Sanskrit'

	// Sanskrit Link
section: 'advanced',
		id: "mw-customeditbutton-sanskritlink",
		icon: "//",
		label: 'Glossar einfügen',
		insertBefore: '{{sb|',
		insertAfter: '}}',
		sampleText: 'Sanskrit'


       Change redirected address line 
( function ( $, mw ) {
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var d = new Date();
var datum = d.getFullYear()+"/"+(d.getMonth()+1)+"/"+d.getDate();
var p = "{{bild " +
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 "\n|material = <!-- Seide, Farbe, Tusche, Holz, Metall, Papier, Bronze, bemalt  ...-->" +
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 "\n|artist= " +
 "\n|artist_dates = " +
 "\n|periode = <!--Heian-Zeit  Kamakura-Zeit Edo-Zeit ... oder China,  Indien, Tibet ...-->" +
 "\n|jahr = <!--1432  15. Jh.  ...-->" +
 "\n|serie = <!--''japanisch'' (Ü)-->" +
 "\n|buch = <!--''japanisch'' (Ü)-->" +
 "\n|serie_j = <!--1831–32-->" +
 "\n|besitz = <!--im Besitz des ...-->" +
 "\n|treasure = 0 <!-- 0 oder 1 (= „Nationalschatz“)  -->" +
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 "\n|quelle_d = <!-- abgerufen  -->" + datum +
 "\n|collection = " +
 "\n|beschreibung= <!--Beschreibung-->\n" +

document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').innerHTML = p;


if ( wgNamespaceNumber == 120 
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var p = "{{glossar" + 
 "\n| stichwort = {{{1|}}}" + 
 "\n| code = <!-- für Sonderfälle -->" + 
 "\n| romaji =" + 
 "\n| kanji = " + 
 "\n| map= <!-- such-stichwort für google maps -->" + 
 "\n| zoom= <!--für google maps -->" + 
 "\n| text =" + 
 "\n| sprache = <!-- chin. kor. -->" + 
 "\n| link = <!-- wichtigste Seite -->" + 
 "\n| tags = <!-- gottheit, person, wesen, bauwerk, text, bild, objekt, ort, zeit, tätigkeit, konzept, kalender, sonstiges -->" + 

document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').innerHTML = p;

       Stylesheet changes

document.write (
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var newCSS = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1],
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for (i in wgCategories) {

/*** NAVIGATION ***/
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    importScript('mediawiki:navigation.js') ;

//wenn css:styles...
  if (wgCategories[i]=='Styles') { 

/*** GLOSSAR ***/

/*** POPUPS ***/
    if (wgNamespaceNumber != 6)
/*** LITERATUR***/
     if (wgNamespaceNumber == 122)


function taglineLinks() {
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         Bildinfos (Bildseite)

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function showFilehistory() {
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    zZ.className = (zZ.className == 'show') ? 'hide' : 'show'; 

    Reference Tooltips
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