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Abeli, Joanna (2011). ''Causes of piracy in medieval Japan''. Senior Honors, Eastern Michigan University.  

Abeli, Joanna (2011). ''Causes of piracy in medieval Japan''. Senior Honors, Eastern Michigan University.  

Antony, Robert J. (Hg.)
 (2010). ''Elusive pirates, pervasive smugglers: Violence and clandestine trade in the Greater China Seas, Vol.1''. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.  

Antony, Robert J. (Hg.)
 (2010). ''Elusive pirates, pervasive smugglers: Violence and clandestine trade in the Greater China Seas, Vol.1''. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. {{q|Exzerpt ([[Benutzer:JanBe|JB]]) }}

de Bary, William Theodore u.a. (Hg.) (2001). ''Sources of Japanese tradition: From earliest times to 1600. Volume 1''. New York: Columbia University Press.  

de Bary, William Theodore u.a. (Hg.) (2001). ''Sources of Japanese tradition: From earliest times to 1600. Volume 1''. New York: Columbia University Press.  

Version vom 17. März 2016, 12:22 Uhr

Mongolenangriffe und Hachiman gudōkun

  • Bockhold, Wolfgang (Ü.) 1982
    Das Hachiman gudōkun als historische Quelle, insbesondere zu den Invasionen der Mongolen in Japan. Augsburg: Sofortdruck-Center Blasaditsch 1982. (Dissertation Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München; s.a. Rezension Bockhold 1982.)
  • Fröhlich, Judith 2012
    „Die Mongoleneinfälle in Japan mit einer Übersetzung von Seno Seiichirō: Geschichten zu den "göttlichen Winden".“ Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 66/1 (2012), S. 57-78. (Exzerpt.)

Kuroda, Toshio
 (1996). „The discourse on the 'Land of Kami' (shinkoku) in Medieval Japan: National consciousness and international awareness.“ Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23/3-4, S. 353–385.

Marder, Arthur J. (1945). „From Jimmu Tennō to Perry Sea Power in Early Japanese History." The American Historical Review 51/1, 1-34.

Rambello, Fabio (1996). „Religion, ideology of domination, and nationalism: Kuroda Toshio on the discourse of shinkoku“ Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23/3-4, S. 387–426.

Scheid, Bernhard (2001–2016). „Götterwinde: Religion und Krieg zur Zeit der mongolischen Eroberungen.“ Religion in Japan (, 11.03.2016).

Schley, Daniel (2014). Herrschersakralität im mittelalterlichen Japan: eine Untersuchung der politisch-religiösen Vorstellungswelt des 13.-14. Jahrhunderts. Münster: LIT Verlag.


Literaturliste zum Thema Seefahrt:

Westliche Literatur

Abeli, Joanna (2011). Causes of piracy in medieval Japan. Senior Honors, Eastern Michigan University.

Antony, Robert J. (Hg.)
 (2010). Elusive pirates, pervasive smugglers: Violence and clandestine trade in the Greater China Seas, Vol.1. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

de Bary, William Theodore u.a. (Hg.) (2001). Sources of Japanese tradition: From earliest times to 1600. Volume 1. New York: Columbia University Press.

Bender, Ross
 (1978). „Metamorphosis of a deity. The image of Hachiman in Yumi Yawata.“ Monumenta Nipponica 33/2, S. 165 – 178.

Bender, Ross (1979). „The Hachiman cult and the Dokyo incident.“ Monumenta Nipponica 34/2: 125–153.

Bender, Ross (1980). The political meaning of the Hachiman cult in ancient and early medieval Japan. Diss., Universität Columbia.

Boxer, Charles Ralph (1951). The Christian century in Japan: 1549-1650. Berkeley: University of California.

Clulow, Adam
 (2012). „The pirate and the warlord.“ Journal of Early Modern History 16/6, S. 523–542.

Chudy, Robert John 
(1973). Pirates and local politics: A study of the relationship between the wako and Ouchi in the 14th Century.

Cobbing, Andrew (2009). Kyushu, Gateway to Japan: A Concise History. Folkstone, Kent: Global Oriental LTD.

Cooper, Michael
 (1972). „The Mechanics of the Macao-Nagasaki silk trade.“ Monumenta Nipponica 27/4, S. 423 – 433.

Grapard, Allan 
(1994). „Rite de voyage: Redressing Hachiman’s appearance.“ In: Francois Macé (Hg.), Mélanges ffferts à René Sieffert a l’occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire. Paris: Centre d’etudes japonaises, S. 335 – 52.

Grapard, Allan (2003). „The Source of oracular speech: Absence? Presence? Or plain treachery? The case of Hachiman Usa-Gū Gotakusenshū.“ In Mark Teeuwen und Fabio Rambelli, Buddhas and Kami in Japan: Honji Suijaku as a combinatory paradigm. New York: RoutledgeCurzon, S. 77 – 94.

Hall, John W. u.a. (Hg.) (1990). The Cambridge History of Japan. Volume 3. Medieval Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hazard, Benjamin H.
 (1967). „The formative years of the wakō, 1223-63.“ Monumenta Nipponica 22/3/4, S. 260 – 277.

Igawa, Kenji
 (2010). „At the crossroads: Limahon and wako in sixteenth century Philippines.“ In: Robert J. Antony (Hg.), Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers. Violence and Clandestine Trade in the Greater China Seas. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, S. 73 – 84.

Jie, Tong
 (2011). „New research on the cause of the prevalence of great wako raids of Chia-Ching Era.“ Chinese Social History Review.

Kanda, Christine Guth (1985). Shinzō: Hachiman imagery and its development. Harvard: Harvard University Asia Center.

Kang, David C.
 (2007). „Stability and hierarchy in East Asian international relations, 1300–1900 CE.“ In: S. Kaufman u.a. (Hg.), Balance of power in world history. London: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 199 - 227.

Kang, David C.
 (2008). War and peace in early modern East Asia: Hierarchy and legitimacy in international systems. Working Paper.

Kang, Etsuko Hae-Jin
 (1997). Diplomacy and ideology in Japanese-Korean relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kato, Hidetoshi
 (1981). „The significance of the period of national seclusion reconsidered.“ "Journal of Japanese Studies" 7/1, S. 85 – 109.

Kondo, Osamu
 (1985). „Japan and the Indian Ocean at the time of the Mughal Empire, with special reference to Gujarat.“ 追手門学院大学文学部紀要 19, S. 53 – 65.

Laver, Michael S.
 (2008). Japan’s economy by proxy in the seventeenth Century. New York: Cambria Press.

Law, Jane Marie
 (1994). „Violence, ritual reenactment, and ideology: The “Hōjō-E” (Rite for Release of Sentient Beings) of the Usa Hachiman Shrine in Japan.“ History of Religions 33/4, S. 325 – 357.

Lewin, Bruno (Hg.) (1995). Kleines Lexikon der Japanologie. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Maloni, Ruby
 (1992). Piracy in Indian waters in the seventeenth century. Conference Paper, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress: New Delhi.

Miyamoto, Kazuo
 (1975) Vikings of the Far East. New York: Vantage Press.

Miyazaki, Fumiko (1992). „Religious life of the Kamakura bushi. Kumagai Naozane and his descendants“ Monumenta Nipponica 47/4, S. 435–467.

Na, Jongwoo (2009). „Were the wako pirate groups controlled by Japanese tribal clans?“ In: The foreseen and the unforeseen in historical relations between Korea and Japan. Seoul: Northeast Asian History Foundation, S. 94–101.

Scheid, Bernhard
 (2014a). „Shōmu Tennō and the deity from Kyushu: Hachiman’s initial rise to prominence.“ Japan Review 27, S. 31 – 51.

Scheid, Bernhard (2014b). „Wer schützt wen? Hachimanismus, Buddhismus und Tennōismus im Altertum.“ Asiatische Studien–Études Asiatiques 68/1, S. 263 – 284.

Seoh, M. S.
 (1969). „A brief documentary survey of Japanese pirate activities in Korea in the 13th—15th centuries.“ Journal of Korean Studies 1/1: S. 23 – 39.

Shapinsky, Peter
 (2007). „With the sea as their domain. Pirates and maritime lordship in medieval Japan.“ In: Jerry Bentley u.a. (Hg.), Seascapes. Maritime histories, littoral cultures, and transoceanic exchanges. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, S. 221 – 238.

Shapinsky, Peter D. (2009). „Predators, protectors, and purveyors: pirates and commerce in Late Medieval Japan“ Monumenta Nipponica 64/2, S. 273–313.

Shapinsky, Peter (2014). Lords of the sea. Pirates, violence, and commerce in Late Medieval Japan. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

Shuho, Zuikei und Charlotte von Verschuer
 (2002). „Japan’s foreign relations 1200 to 1392 AD: A translation from “Zenrin Kokuhōki.”“ Monumenta Nipponica 57/4: S. 413 – 445.

Souyri, Pierre Francois
 (2001). The world turned upside down: Medieval Japanese society. New York: Columbia University Press.

Tremml, Birgit
 (2012). „Waren sie nicht alle Piraten? Mit den wakō durch die Chinesischen Meere, ca. 1400–1660.“ In: Andreas Obenaus u.a. (Hg.), Schrecken der Händler und Herrscher. Piratengemeinschaften in der Geschichte. Wien: Mandelbaum, 144–167.

Turnbull, Stephen
 (2003). Fighting ships of the Far East (2): Japan and Korea AD 612-1639. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.

Turnbull, Stephen (2007). Pirate of the Far East: 811-1639. New York: Osprey.

Twitchett, Denis und John K. Fairbank (1994). The Cambridge History of China. Volume 6. Alien regimes and border states, 907-1368. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Twitchett, Denis und John K. Fairbank (1998a). The Cambridge History of China. Volume 7. The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 1. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Twitchett, Denis und John K. Fairbank (1998b). The Cambridge History of China. Volume 8. The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 2. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Japanische Literatur

Akaba, Masaharu 赤羽 正春
 (2011). „Nihonkai de kōsakusuru minami to kita no dentō sōsen gijutsu“ 日本海で交錯する南と北の伝統造船技術. Kanagawa Daigaku kokusai jōmin bunka kenkyū kikō nenbō 2: S. 73 – 93.

Arimizu, Hiroshi 
有水 博
 (1993). „Teppō denrai isetsu ni tsuite“ 鉄砲伝来異説について. Ōsaka gaikokugo daigaku ronshū 9: S. 257 – 264.

Fujisawa, Nozomu und Sanae Yamaguchi 
藤沢 望とさまえ山口
 (2010). „Nagasaki・Gotō no saundosukeepu“ 長崎・五島のサウンドスケープ. Nagasaki Kenritsu Daigaku kokusai jōhōgakubu kenkyū kiyō 11: S. 31 – 36.

Hideki, Tamai 玉井 秀樹
 (2004). „Okinawa kara mita Hokutōajia kyōdōtai no kanōsei to igi“ 沖縄から見た北東アジア共同体の可能性と意義. Sōdai heiwa kenkyū: S. 7 – 19.

Inamura, Kenpu und 
賢敷 稲村と村賢敷 著稲
 (1957). Ryūkyūshotō ni okeru wakō shiseki no kenkyū 琉球諸島における倭寇史跡の研究. Tōkyō: Yōshikawa.

Ishihara, Michihiro 石原 道博 (1964). Wakō 倭寇. Tōkyō: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 吉川弘文館.

, Ikuo 川島 郁夫 (2012). „Chūgokurekishi koten gekishōkō -“ 中国歴史古典劇小考―越劇 「趙文華献妻」 をめぐって―. Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku ronshū 84: S. 101–125.

Nebashi, Shōichi 根橋 正一
 (2001). „Taiwan ni okeru toshikeisei no katei to tokuchō“ 台湾における都市形成の過程と特徴. Ryūtsū Keizai Daigaku shakaigakubu ronsō 11/2: S. 51 – 76.

Ōta, Kōki 太田 弘毅
 (2004). Wakō: Nihon afure katsudōshi 倭寇: 日本あふれ活動史. Tōkyō: Bungeisha.

Satō, Shinichi 
佐藤 進一
 (2005). Nihon no rekishi (9) Nanbokuchō no dōran 日本の歴史〈9〉南北朝の動乱. Tōkō: Chūōkōron.

Tanaka, Takeo 
田中 健夫
 (2012). Wakō: umi no rekishi 倭寇: 海の歴史. Tōkyō: Kodansha.

Takahashi, Kimiaki 
高橋 公明
 (1987). „Chūsei Ajia kaiiki ni okeru umitami to koryū - Saishūtō wo chūshin toshite -“ 中世東アジア海域における海民と交流―済州島を中心として―. Nagoya Daigaku bungakubu kenkyū shūshigaku 33.

秦野 裕介
 (2002). „"Wakō" to kaiyō shikan - "wakō" ha "Nihonjin" datta no ka -“ 「倭寇」と海洋史観 -「倭寇」は「日本人」だったのか-. Ritsumeikan Daigaku jinbunkagaku kenkyūsho kiyō 81: S. 77 – 102.